システム|新宿 ファションヘルス ストロベリージャム


★ 本番行為の強要・交渉及び脅迫未遂
★ 女の子の嫌がる行為・暴力的な言動
★ 乱暴な愛撫や接触行為
★ 暴力・乱暴な行為・過剰サービスの要求
★ 携帯・デジカメ等による盗撮・盗聴行為
★ 同業者・スカウトマンによる引き抜き行為
★ 薬物の使用・及び持ち込み
★ 店外デートの誘い・ストーカー行為
★ 18歳未満の方
★ 暴力団関係者またはそれに準ずる方
★ 薬物(大麻・覚醒剤・シンナー・ドラッグ等)を使用されている方
★ 泥酔状態の方
★ 性病・伝染病に感染している方
★ 同業者の方
★ その他、当店スタッフがふさわしくないと判断させて頂いた方
english price

※Those who can have daily conversations in japanese will not be
charged the tourist fare.
We will inform you at the normal price.

The following actions are prohibited:
★ Forcing, negotiating, and attempted blackmail to have sex.
★ Behavior that girls dislike, violent words and actions.
★ Rough caressing or touching.
★ Violence, violent behavior, and requests for excessive services.
★ Secret photography and eavesdropping using mobile phones, digital cameras, etc.
★ Attemps to poach girls by fellow businessmen or scouts.
★ Use and bringing in drugs.
★ Inviting girls to dates outside the club, stalking.
We will refuse entry to enyone
who falls under the following categorise
★ Anyone under the age of 18
★ Anyone associated with a criminal organization or of a similar nature
★ Anyone using grugs(marijuana , stimulants, paint thinner and other drugs, etc.)
★ Anyone who is intoxicated
★ Anyone infected with a sexuary transmitted disease or infectious disease
★ Anyone in the same busuness
★ Anyone who our staff has determined to be inappropriate